Aneria's Advice to Clerics

Any cleric who feels their sole responsibility in a group is to turn his/her/its mana into tank hp is doing a grave disservice to the character.

I am currently doing my second tour of hero as a cleric. I chose to remort because I find cleric to be one of the most challenging, demanding and appreciated classes in the game.

If you are playing a cleric correctly, the entire group is your responsibility, not just the tank.

You should be doing the following:

If you do all of the above, you won't have time to be bored. In addition, you will be one of the most valued groupies on the mud. Clerics who are attentive and fully play their character are greatly valued by tanks.

Take advantage of the skills the imms have given you. Keep your group healthy and protected and leave the damage to the other groupies. By doing the above you will gain a reputation for excellence and never have need of sitting on who group again.

Aneria — High Elf Cleric
February 7, 2003